Friday, October 03, 2008

Spare time

It's been nice to have some time off. I am trying to waste time till mom and pop get here so we can get some work done that I'm sure needs doing.

I have been going to play golf, going to the shooting range, and going fishing.

Last night we were fishing and Rudy had his pole tied up, because they didn't any holders, and I was next to it changing lures. Right then I saw the pole bend then jump into the water. It stopped just off the pier, so I cast my line out there trying to catch it with my hook.

I couldn't get it. I turned around to one of the other guys to see if he had a good lure that might have bigger hooks, but when I turned around it was gone. Rudy was heart broken....I thought it was kinda funny.

So someone will quite possibly catch a fish that might already be caught. It was a nice pole.


Shawn said...

Way to go man! What a friend ;) Boy it sounds like you really have a hard life right now. Kind of sounds like my summer :)

Bob & Judy said...

Hey, would you check craigslist and stuff like that and see if you can find me a treadmill. Motorized. Don't need a bunch of displays. But variable speed would be nice. Less than $100.

And get a passport!

Love ya