Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To LA or Not to LA, that is the question

Well they finally came with the much dreaded question, "Who is going to Louisiana?". I knew it was coming, but I didn't realize it would be this much trouble for me.

I can go and it wouldn't be bad for a couple of reasons. One, I now know a bunch of people over there so I would have some people to hang out with away from work friends. Two, I know that the money would be good, and third, I know of a good church there, that I went to the last time I was in Houma.

But I really don't want to go for a couple of reasons also. One, I don't like LA, it stinks and it's a long way from here. I would get 3 days off every 3 weeks, but that is not much. Two, I like to stay at my new house I just moved into. Most importantly I just joined a church here and with it came responsibilities or just expectations. I don't want to not do my part by leaving the state and not supporting the group I just told I would be there.

I'm pretty sure that LA would have life groups and I definitely would like the church as much as this one. I could get my tithes to the church by mail so I'm not that worried about that side of it, but I am just worried about liking it enough to want to go instead of going out of obligation. That is what has been so much fun to me, other than the movie theater seats, is going to church because I want to, not because I feel like I have to.

So normally I don't have a lot on my plate, and I worry about even less, but right now I really don't know what to do. I know I am surrounded by many people that are awesome about praying and doing it all the time, for that I thank you, but right now I need as much guidance in this as I have ever needed. Whether it be go and try out my strength, or stay here and grow, I want to do the right thing.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

All work no longer

Well apparently we work too fast, after the first week of the vicious seven twelves, we are five days ahead of schedule. So as of today we are back to our usual schedule. Which there are some bonuses to this, like more time to do what I need to get done, but the money will not be as good(that would have been nice to make for about a month). This does open up more time for me to do the Life Group, which makes me happy. This is short but it's pretty sweet.