Tuesday, October 03, 2006

All work no longer

Well apparently we work too fast, after the first week of the vicious seven twelves, we are five days ahead of schedule. So as of today we are back to our usual schedule. Which there are some bonuses to this, like more time to do what I need to get done, but the money will not be as good(that would have been nice to make for about a month). This does open up more time for me to do the Life Group, which makes me happy. This is short but it's pretty sweet.


Hendrick Family said...

Hurray for Life Group and less money! You'll love it!

Hendrick Family said...

Very cool!

But it's not like you were working 7 twelves anyway ... just everyone else was.

Will, it is so awesome to read about what God is doing in your life. It was a blessing a few weeks back to go to our Monday prayer meeting and share the story of your boss giving you time off for church. It was a praise that you were given time off and a praise that you wanted it.

We're still praying for you, and it's encouraging to see you growing.
