Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm tagged and not too sure about this

I have been tagged. I'm not sure how this game got started but I don't think I like it. I live a pretty private life and that is the way I like it. I will answer any question asked but I don't normally volunteer any information. I have been tagged and I will play along:

1. I am a chick about shoes. I have many pairs of shoes and always want more. The worst thing about me is I'll buy them to wear them with one thing and nothing else. Pretty faggish.

2. I hate dating, always have. I'd rather just have a woman and only deal with her when I feel like it. I also hate the having to look around for the woman, it's just a lot of trouble.

3. I love to cook, I'm just lazy. I don't want to take the time to cook and definately don't like cleaning it up.

4. I love being alone. I love to just sit at my house with no one else here, then I can do whatever I want. I can do something or nothing.

5. I love things to be clean, having a clean house, clean car, clean everything. I just don't always have the time to do everything that I want to do.

Now you know everything there is to know about me.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To LA or Not to LA, that is the question

Well they finally came with the much dreaded question, "Who is going to Louisiana?". I knew it was coming, but I didn't realize it would be this much trouble for me.

I can go and it wouldn't be bad for a couple of reasons. One, I now know a bunch of people over there so I would have some people to hang out with away from work friends. Two, I know that the money would be good, and third, I know of a good church there, that I went to the last time I was in Houma.

But I really don't want to go for a couple of reasons also. One, I don't like LA, it stinks and it's a long way from here. I would get 3 days off every 3 weeks, but that is not much. Two, I like to stay at my new house I just moved into. Most importantly I just joined a church here and with it came responsibilities or just expectations. I don't want to not do my part by leaving the state and not supporting the group I just told I would be there.

I'm pretty sure that LA would have life groups and I definitely would like the church as much as this one. I could get my tithes to the church by mail so I'm not that worried about that side of it, but I am just worried about liking it enough to want to go instead of going out of obligation. That is what has been so much fun to me, other than the movie theater seats, is going to church because I want to, not because I feel like I have to.

So normally I don't have a lot on my plate, and I worry about even less, but right now I really don't know what to do. I know I am surrounded by many people that are awesome about praying and doing it all the time, for that I thank you, but right now I need as much guidance in this as I have ever needed. Whether it be go and try out my strength, or stay here and grow, I want to do the right thing.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

All work no longer

Well apparently we work too fast, after the first week of the vicious seven twelves, we are five days ahead of schedule. So as of today we are back to our usual schedule. Which there are some bonuses to this, like more time to do what I need to get done, but the money will not be as good(that would have been nice to make for about a month). This does open up more time for me to do the Life Group, which makes me happy. This is short but it's pretty sweet.

Monday, September 25, 2006


First off let me say why does he have to use big words(or just words that I don't use or normally hear used), because I spend a lot of the time wondering what that meant or looking it up to figure it out. Second off was he saying that we should not marry for love or that we should not marry only for love. He talks about a couple united as one flesh, then points out that it doesn't say a couple in love or anything else for that matter. So does that mean that anytime I date I am all of a sudden one flesh just because now there is some sort of significant other in my life?

Now I do also think that maybe he could have been just pointing out the fact that so many couple don't try to work through things just because they say that they are no longer "in love". Then later on he goes into a relationship being for reproduction and family, but there has to be some pleasure and simple companionship involved in there also. Doesn't there???

Being "in love" is one of the things that I have had trouble with for a couple of reasons; 1. I am not sure I want to trust someone else with something that I have broken in other people(the heart), 2. I know they will expect things out of me that I am not sure I have to give or even, at times, want to give. Is that wrong??

Now, I realize some of you my family in particular are wondering why I haven't found a woman and settled down, here are the real life reasons. I am more scared of being in that 51% of all marriages that end up in divorce, that I figure it might just be easier to not deal with it. Also, what makes me worthy of having someone who will enjoy my company, most of the time, and want to be with me. I'm not sure I deserve that. I have had the opportunity of having a girl or two that really wanted to be with me and liked it, but with them I basically threw them out on the door step and told them to leave me alone.

So is Screwtape telling is nephew to watch out for people like me or encourage people like me, the unsure and unwilling. I understand that he saying to encourage me to get into an intimate relationship, make mistakes, and say it was because of love and now it's not here so the relationship must be over. What if there really is love should I hide it, let it out, or just let it ride and see how we both come out. I understand that the intimate side of the relationship shouldn't be "enjoyed" until the appropriate time, but what about just the pure companionship side, the wanting to be with each other, the dates, the enjoyment of each others company, basically just the riding on the motorcycle down to the beach just to enjoy a nice sunset or a cool night.

So there you have a little bit of my strange mind and my normally insane thoughts.

Friday, September 22, 2006

All work and no play makes for an interesting week

The deck is now set on top of the hull, which for me means time to go to work and get this job going. The boss called and told me when we would be returning to work, and said that we would be going to seven days a week and a minimum of twelve hours a day. Then without me saying another word he told me, "I know about you wanting to go to church so we will work something out with that." I told him I will do what is necessary because we will only be working this way for a short period. He said he was not that worried about it, he said "you will get the chance to go to church we'll work something out." If that is not God taking care of things before I have to ask then I don't know what is. I just thought that this was something worth writing about. So just so everyone knows I will be working mucho hours for around the next six weeks. So I will be tied down, sorry. I know I will miss important things like nephew's birthdays and other things I'm sure, but don't worry when it is all over I will come visit. Just so you know my door is always to open to visitors, we now have an extra bedroom and a large living room, room for families.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Well my second blog is now underway. I really don't have much to say, but there are a few things that I feel I need to say. I have been working pretty consistently now for a long time and working out of town for over two years. I enjoy the job and the work that I do, I also like the money I will not lie. But they have now switched me over to a different rig, which in some ways are good and in some bad. I now can show a new person what I actually know and have the opportunity to shine. But this will be back to 7 days a week all the time.

I went to Tennessee and had the chance to get back into church and living the way that I should and I enjoyed it. I came back here and wanted to continue but I will not lie it has not continued as I hoped. We work a little more and I have friends here that don't go to church or even think about it. So there are the occational days that I was way tired so I over sleep on my one day off, there also days that they want to go the beach so I do that instead of church, but there are still days that I won't do anything because I want to go to church. I normally go to the little First Baptist here in town just because I know where it is and it is easy. But today I went to church in the movie theater, I was hoping that they would have gotten out of the rut of having to act one certain way and being stiff(if you know what I mean). They did it I actually want to continue going, and now comes the dilemma. I will be working so much that I know I won't be able to, I could call in sick every Sunday but then my job would not last so much longer. I could quit but then I would not have any money or anything to support myself with, or I could just not worry about and work the whole time and just go when ever it is convenient. What do I do?

Now the other problem I have right now is that I feel I am missing a lot of the lives of my family. My parents are at the ranch with lots of things that need doing, and probably could use some help with, not to mention I just never get to see them and haven't for the last 5 years. I have a brother, sister-in-law and 4 nephews that I'm sure have plenty of attention but they are getting it from their Hendricks uncle. My relationship with my brother got a lot better once we got to get away from each other, we used to hang out off and on, now we are both so busy that unless, I am in town at some weird time then I'm working or he is. The relationship with Heather went from (not sure what she thought) probably the worst relationship I had with anyone in the world, to completely social, and I would actually consider her a friend. I would stick up for her in any situation now, when not too long ago I would have found a way to make it her fault. Sorry, by the way. I have never told you that and I think you deserve it. I have nephews that can walk and talk and the last time I saw them I was asking Heather what they were saying to me. They are all smart and do some wild things and are well taken care of by their immediate family and their church family, which I am happy for. I feel like when I get there I am just a visitor to them more than family. I would have liked to have been there to help when my sister is tripping out. I would like to be able to know what all has to be done before that wild bunch of boys can go to bed, but all I know is that they go to bed.(and get up early no matter how long you were up the day before) I wish I could change that. On that note if anyone was to ever harm anyone of my family members, I would not get to see my family much for a while. In my old age the things that hold closer to my heart more than ever is my family.

I know some of you are worried about me waiting too long to find my wife, don't worry I won't marry a divorcee with kids, I going to become an international playboy. HA HA My hair is still here and not falling out yet so I think I have some more time. I'm not looking but if she comes along don't worry I will probably settle down, stop working so much and give my parents their first female grand kid. (that will be my curse)

So there is my life up to the moment. I miss my family, I want to live right, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this task. I am a "let me fix it" kind of guy, and I always feel like my problems are petty, so why bother God with them. I should be different, and I try sometimes, I would rather me have it rough so everyone could have it easy.

Basically I know I am not forgotten but I would like to be remembered, not just not forgotten. Pray for me, I need it.

Uncle Will

Thursday, July 06, 2006

all things will

I don't blog and I don't want anyone to know what I am thinking half of the time, and the other half I am sure no one wants to know. But if there is anything that I need to say and just can't hold it in it will be on here.