Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Well there has a been a few changes...while we were in Kansas they offered a few of us a chance to go to another job. They said we were good hands and wanted us to keep working for them. They sent us to Hereford, TX. We went and were rearing to go...

Turns out the cost of living was more than we would have been making to live there.


We called them to talk to them and they said just go to work...we asked them to fix the money situation. They responded with..."We can't just go to work".

We quickly responed with... a call to Turner Industries in Baton Rouge.

They quickly responded with...come down here now and we'll put you to work for good money.

So that is what we did. I am now in Baton Rouge, LA. Working and liking what I'm doing still.

The good thing is John Vrana lives here with his wife so I do have someone I know to hang out with.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Even worse

We are now on 7 days....yeah.


I would rather work 6 days a week, 14 hours a day.

Oh well.

Hopefully it's not long.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

You could be proud

Today the guy I have been working with and myself, got to go home at noon with the rest of the day paid. They said we have been getting the work done so quickly and correctly that they're rewarding us this way.

We had to run this pipe from the box that you can see to the top to where it is now all from a crane basket. It finishes about 200ft off the ground, they were happy to have that done, I was just happy to be up that high to see the scenery.

There is a person in that little window on the left side of the crane, honestly that window is not that small.

This past weekend I went up to Garden City to look around, it was bigger than here but still not big enough to have a good mall or anything like that but I did pass a really cool looking sunflower field.

I realized what makes this place stink so bad.

1. The wind blow constantly and usually it around 20mph or higher.

2. There is nothing to stop any smells, no hills, no trees, nothing...no wonder a tornado blows this place away.


Holding lots...lots of them, very large and very bad smelling.

I'm still enjoying the job, but I am ready to go home, looks like it will still be a month or two. This company here is planning on having work here until January, but I'm hoping to be home before that.

Monday, August 27, 2007

They did it

They told us today that are going to twelve hours starting tomorrow, so there will be less pictures and things because this guy will be going to bed. I have some things now that I will get on the post soon. Now I have to get ready for these long days of work after so long of taking my sabbath.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I have now fixed this where I can take comments from anyone, so feel free, just sign your name so I know who you are.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Year before last they lots and lots of hurricanes. I wanted to surf but didn't have a board and was in Tennessee. Last year we bought boards, surfed nothing because there was no hurricanes and not really any waves. I've been home, doing nothing, since January and no real waves to surf again.

Now I have been gone two weeks and we have a tropical storm coming in and the waves are picking up. The Weather Channel was on the beach and there was people surfing in the back ground, I was jealous.

This really makes me angry!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Some interesting weather

When the week ended we had had some 100 degree weather during the days and some high 60s in the nights, then all of a sudden the weather changed. So we put down the Guitar Hero controller, looked outside, saw.....

Soon our hotel was up in the air and we didn't know what to do, so we held on to our clothes and the Playstation 3 and tried to wait to land. We flew for what seemed almost forever, then finally it all stopped and we landed. It was strange though...like our hotel was unlevel. We checked ourselves out, we were okay so we decided to check out the damage outside and why our hotel was so strange feeling. It really didn't take that long to figure out. We had landed on something or should I say...someone.

We realized we weren't in Kanas anymore...Ha ha.

We had come to some other land that didn't smell like cow manure-------->

There was funny looking people---------->

There was also famous people....and we did hang out with all of them.

Really we went to the Dorthy museum, then after that we went to the Liberal Aircraft Museum. We had a good time, we did things that two guys normally wouldn't do, but it's better than going to the bar with the guys from work.

Work has been good because the humidity is down. It has been 102 but it felt like high 80s- low 90s. The wind blows all the time, which means the dirt does too. Every day the white wash cloths of the hotel turn brown with our showers.

The main thing I like about this place is the sunrises...they happen every morning(can you believe that), and we are up to see them. I have been taking pictures of them and will continue, I will post all of them sometime for you to enjoy also.

For now just enjoy these.

You can't see the plane that Rudy is controlling, there is a plane up above you that you control the wings and rudders and stuff, to see what the controls really do.

This is not a real person...that is why we are so cool.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

One down

One week down. The job is easy. I guess they got the word on what we knew...we are inside doing the good work.

It's something I've never done, so it's okay. We're staying in a hotel so we don't have to clean the room. Only thing is we can't really cook so we have to eat out. We have had some time off so we have done a little playing, today we went fishing, caught a big, fat nothing.

The strange thing is we left Corpus, on the beach, where we were having junk weather came here and the weather has been awesome.

This was two days before I left.

This is two days after I left. This really isn't that bad, it is just a long way from home.

I decided to start blogging because it is easier than calling everyone who wonders and filling them all in on the same thing.

So if you're wondering just keep watching here, if you don't care I will stop(I'm not as good as Heather...this takes me a long time).

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Texas is too big

Well it happened again...I had to go back work.

I had to go back to work in Kansas.

Although I like going new places, getting there in one day is the worst idea ever. It took forever!!!!!!

I love Texas, but leaving it takes too long.

Interesting side note we drove through Anson, Texas.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Natural

I was watching The Natural... as I watched it I wondered what made it such a good movie.

It's about a guy that has all the talent in the world, with potential to be the greatest, but he makes bad choices, throws away opportunities and has to decide what to do. In the end after he has sold out, he changes his mind and redeems himself.

That's when it hit me...what makes him, Robert the Bruce(Braveheart), Major Duncan Heyward(Last of the Mohicans), and many others in the movies that we love, all great characters...is redemption. They all change the track that they were headed down and become exactly who we all knew they could and should be. The fact that they seek redemption allows us to give it, and we always do.

These movies are our lives... or at least mine. We head down tracks and routes that we know we shouldn't. We make decisions that are wrong. We cause pain to ourselves and others. We disappoint our loved ones, friends, and our Lord, but as long as we seek the redemption and change...we will find it.

Not sure why this was on my mind and definitely not sure why I felt the need to write it.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Who says I need to go to work??????

It hit me today... I'm not being lazy because I haven't worked in a long time, I'm taking my sabbath. Some people sabbaths come once a week, at times I don't get it once a week. This "vacation" that I am taking is an accumulated sabbaths that I didn't take and don't get to take when I am working. How 'bout that... does that sound better than I just don't feel like going back to work?????

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Living Hope and Real Life

I can never be the Christian I promised to be, but I know that He will be the God and Savior he promised me.

This statement started of my day today and I believe that it helped tie everything that I have been thinking and hoping together. Is it a coincidence that the past two churches that I actually claim to attend are named Hope and Life?

Webster's defines hope as the trust that what is wanted will happen. The picture of hope is the ones around me who never lost faith, who always knew somewhere deep inside that I would not...could not stay away too long. Constant prayers of my parents, my brother and sister-in-law, Shonnie and many others who care more for me than I could ever know, are just a sign of hope, hope that one day I would be who I am supposed to be. It has been a long and weary road for all of us I'm sure, but the fact that God is still who he promises he is and the fact that I am now stepping out into uncomfortable territory for me, is sign that maybe I'm on the right track.

Now that I am on my way back, it's time I start living life. For the past couple of months now I have actually been singing with my praise team and I think I am starting to find this life that I am supposed be living. I am uncomfortable every time I get up in front of all those people (about 70) and there times when nothing goes right in practice, but after everything that you think could go wrong, does and our worship service turns out to be nothing short of awesome, I know that there is always some kind of divine intervention. Sundays have become the most busy day of the week and always the most rewarding.

Tuesday night, late, I got a message that said, " be on your guard because the enemy is fighting for you". I was blown away. Why would he be fighting for me? "He has had you in his hold for a long time now, he won't give you up without a fight", I was told. I really was not sure if I was ready for this. Could I handle an attack on my life? How would he attack me? I am vulnerable in so many different areas. I really had no clue what to do, luckily I have been listening and taking notes during the messages. A couple of weeks ago we talked about worry, the general message was when you're worried pray. So that is what I did, actual face down (another study I'm doing) prayer. After that I started to go back through The Screwtape Letters and see how C.S. Lewis thought that we as Christians come under attack. I kept myself out of tempting situations and away from things that could possibly be a foot hold. The closer I got to Sunday, the more I worried about a simple attack on the praise team, on our mind set, voice, attitude, technical issues, anything that could possibly go wrong. Would this be the unexpected blow, a week without real, authentic worship? NOPE!!!

Everything came together in the message for me. The God that I put all my hopes in and trust my life with, is real. For him to be who he says he is, he has to have power over everything. Some have had power over some things, sickness, some even cast out demons, but none have been able to conquer death but the One who watches over me. God has power over everything, he doesn't need anything from us but delights in all the things we give him. God wants our best and will help us any way he can. He'll give us strength when we need it, He'll give us rest when we need that, He'll even help us through the attacks of the enemy.

So after all my thinking, studying, listening and learning I have discovered something that I am sure you already knew. All I have to do is give him all my hope, all my life, and trust in his real power and I will be taken care of.

Thank you for never losing hope and always being there to help with my continued return and growth.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Imperfections or service

I have been thinking...How much should our imperfections keep us from serving how we are supposed to? The fact that I have to answer for my actions and could be found guilty by my peers stops me from doing what I am capable of doing and probably should be doing. Is that wrong? Should I just use the age old excuse "I'm not perfect", and keep trying to lead people who think I am a hypocrite? Should I wait and continue to not do some things that I ought to be doing? How many of my imperfections should keep me from doing the things that I should?

I guess what I am really wondering is, how do you be in position of leadership with imperfections? How do you try to lead, while you feel inadequate? What makes me think that I should even lead? The mere fact that you have the abilities does not always mean that you use them. If I am supposed to lead, how do I do so? I understand physically how, but the mental side and the spiritual side I struggle with.

I know what I can do and am pretty sure what I ought to do, but what do I do? Do I try it and just see what happens; see who I can steer in the wrong directions just with my actions, or hope that they don't really notice all my wrong actions and try to teach them right. I am blessed to have a family full of leaders, so I have seen the leadership roles fulfilled. I have also been blessed with the capabilities to lead in many areas, so I am asking the leaders that I know and respect...What should I do? I know my strengths and weaknesses and you do too. I don't want to lead if I can't do it properly, what do I do?