Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Year before last they lots and lots of hurricanes. I wanted to surf but didn't have a board and was in Tennessee. Last year we bought boards, surfed nothing because there was no hurricanes and not really any waves. I've been home, doing nothing, since January and no real waves to surf again.

Now I have been gone two weeks and we have a tropical storm coming in and the waves are picking up. The Weather Channel was on the beach and there was people surfing in the back ground, I was jealous.

This really makes me angry!!!!!!!!!


Hendrick Family said...

This has nothing to do with your blog...


I need you to email me a picture of you for my adoption book the birth mother will look at...and pronto.


Make sure your picture makes you look nice and wholesome and like the best uncle in the whole wide maybe she will look at the scrap book and say, "I'm going to give this baby to them, because I want THAT MAN to be my baby's uncle."

No pressure.




Pastor Bobby Joe Hendrick said...

Yep, there was some killer surf. On the local news, the reporter showed a guy about my age with his board headed to the water and said, "This is ... but he would rather surf than talk to us."
Oh, well.