Thursday, January 18, 2007

Imperfections or service

I have been thinking...How much should our imperfections keep us from serving how we are supposed to? The fact that I have to answer for my actions and could be found guilty by my peers stops me from doing what I am capable of doing and probably should be doing. Is that wrong? Should I just use the age old excuse "I'm not perfect", and keep trying to lead people who think I am a hypocrite? Should I wait and continue to not do some things that I ought to be doing? How many of my imperfections should keep me from doing the things that I should?

I guess what I am really wondering is, how do you be in position of leadership with imperfections? How do you try to lead, while you feel inadequate? What makes me think that I should even lead? The mere fact that you have the abilities does not always mean that you use them. If I am supposed to lead, how do I do so? I understand physically how, but the mental side and the spiritual side I struggle with.

I know what I can do and am pretty sure what I ought to do, but what do I do? Do I try it and just see what happens; see who I can steer in the wrong directions just with my actions, or hope that they don't really notice all my wrong actions and try to teach them right. I am blessed to have a family full of leaders, so I have seen the leadership roles fulfilled. I have also been blessed with the capabilities to lead in many areas, so I am asking the leaders that I know and respect...What should I do? I know my strengths and weaknesses and you do too. I don't want to lead if I can't do it properly, what do I do?