Thursday, February 21, 2008

The verdict is in.......Del Hi

Got the final word today, I am headed to Del Hi, Louisiana. Not Mississippi, not Alabama, and not Texas. Pretty much all the people that are left here and getting transferred are headed up there.

Del Hi is close to Monroe, north. I am not sure how far that puts me from the house but I am sure that is not any closer than here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Work and real work for a new time

Well it is pretty much set that I will continue to travel with Turner Industries. They asked yesterday who was willing and I volunteered. I will either be headed to north Louisiana or somewhere in Mississippi. They are not sure yet...which is actually really annoying.

I will have a week off between leaving and being there for work, but a week really is not a long time when you look at all that has to be done.

Now I have to go through the whole process again...houseing, working, finding stuff to do and once again finding a church I enjoy.

The the low down right now. Pack up, go home, sign my lease, do my taxes, sleep late, drop off the books that I have read, pack up, get back on the road and, once again, work as far away from home as humanly possible............ oh well