Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Morning

Today was the opening day of dove season so I decided to give it a whirl.

Turns out I'm not as bad as I thought. I actually got 8 birds the limit is 12.
I don't think it's too bad.

The interesting thing is as I walked back from getting one of my birds I noticed......

Before I continue let me say, every time I come here there are times I am glad I am alone. At least two or three times I will scream like a girl then dance around like I'm having some kind of spasm. A spider will crawl across my hand or I will walk up on a snake and these things usually happen.

After I walk up on this monster I do my usual thing...... dance and scream, then be completely happy that I am alone.

I know you're going to say it's not poisonous, I don't care it's huge and a snake....I
hate snakes.


Shawn said...

Just you'll have something to eat tonight :)

Bob & Judy said...

I'm guessing it's dead. Or did it just pose with the gun?

Shawn said...

Haha :) "Pose with the gun" that's funny!